Tales of berseria pc fast
Tales of berseria pc fast

tales of berseria pc fast

Will it be worth the €50,-? No in my opinion it sure isn’t worth so much money. There sure will be a beautiful and good story in this game and also the visuals and audio are on point. I liked playing this game but I think the battle style will get repetitive very fast. The actors sound amazing and the music and sounds in battle sound very uplifting and strong. But I guess it still is very popular with a very big group of people. The game has the Japanese anime art as graphic style which in my opinion is used to much in to many games. But the visuals are solid as a rock and are not boring or anything. It sure can’t compete with the graphics from Final Fantasy for example. This game looks beautiful in almost every way. I must say that there are some frame drops in the battle system but overall this game is very good. Like most of the fighting games you can make combo attacks but I am very honest I can not remember every combo so I will just push as many buttons as possible haha. I enjoyed the battles a lot but I guess it will get repetitive fast. This sure isn’t a bad thing cause the battles are very big and brisk.

tales of berseria pc fast

GameplayĪs most of the Japanese games it had quite a lot of cutscenes and talking moments. But I sure am not a big fan of Japanese Rpg games but after playing the demo I was really surprised. Tales of Berseria was developed by Bandai Namco which is a very big name in the gaming industry. The game will be released on January 27th. With the Demo version on steam I just had to play this game.

Tales of berseria pc fast